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January 24, 2013


Doris Widder

Fab examples! Love how each used such different "found" objects. Beautifully done!

Pamela Romero

Using found objects, great idea! Using bubble wrap to add texture with paint, wonderful idea! The one item I liked most about this layout was the use of the negative cut of the words "To the Moon and Back" Love how you did that! Thanks for sharing with us.

Jean A Marmo


Jona Panesa

awesome examples!!! loved them all.

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  • I love what I do... My name is Brandin O'Neill & I am the co-owner & designer of Webster's Pages. We are a family owned company and we all {LOVE} what we do. We are lucky that we can continue to provide creative products to you & we THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to inspire you.



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