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April 03, 2012


Renee J.

Oh, wow, these look so beautiful!! Congrats to Kristina!!


I am so excited about {Blueprints}! This is such a wonderful idea so beautifully created ~xo


I echo Em`s words, totally excited about new Webster`s baby {Blueprints} - such a treasure for the generations. I can`t wait to start writing.......My pen is already on my table.... waiting :-)))))
And I love that beautiful video - I had to share it on my blog - Thank you!
Hugs ~Gerry~

Julie  Shearer

So pretty .

Doris Widder

Wow! Okay, now this is pure genius! Love the idea! It has a Smash album feel, but soooo much better!

Doris Widder

I forgot to say congrats to Kristina! Woohoo! WTG! :-D

Gabrielle Pollacco

THis is such a fabulous idea Brandin!! I love the idea of the daily prompts and the book itself could not be more gorgeous!! Can't wait to give this a go! xx (fun seeing you in the video, nice to put a voice with the face....you unlike me sound good on video! :) :)

Laurie Ann Phinney

I Absolutely LOVE the Blueprints Concept. I Have 4 Children, But Can Easily Imagine Creating 4 Different Versions For Each. BALANCE - I Need to Find a Way to Balance My Time, and, Complete One Project Before Starting Another.
Laurie AKA Idgie


Just love this new idea of you Brandin thanks a lot.......love your creating spirit! It's a lot easier for people who don't scrapbook.....hugs Amy :) And congrats to Kristina have fun with your price...

Jean Marmo

Love this!

amy tara koeppel

Speechless... what a GREAT idea! LOVE this and will surely be making a few gifts! xo Amy Tara

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  • I love what I do... My name is Brandin O'Neill & I am the co-owner & designer of Webster's Pages. We are a family owned company and we all {LOVE} what we do. We are lucky that we can continue to provide creative products to you & we THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to inspire you.



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