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November 09, 2011



thank you very much for your wonderful works girls!

Jean Marmo

Their work is amazing!


thanks your work was amazing and still is.

Gabrielle Pollacco

Awww, back atcha Brandin! It's been wonderful being part of this team and working with you and with your beautiful products! Thanks for your sweet words here! xx

Courtney Walsh

Love. This. Post.


I love this post too...it has been such an honor. I don't think words can express how I feel about you, Webster's and the team...amazing!


Yes, this is an amazing design team! Incredible talented girls! :)

Doris Widder

Agreed! The WP team is amazingly talented!!! There's no place on the web like InspireMe's incredible gallery...a huge thank you to the incredible dt for their stunning creations for inspiration and Brandin for her gorgeous designs that the rest of us get to play with! :-D


I just want to say THANK YOU to each of you, wonderful and utterly talented girls, too:) You all have such a unique style of scrapbooking and have been a pure inspiration to me and to all of us:) Besides that I always felt so honoured receiving so many comments on my NING layouts and cards. Thank you so much for everything that you did and do:)

Gerry van Gent

Hi Brandin!
Thank you for this Beautiful post....I, like all the girls, am touched and so proud to be part of this caring family. It`s been and it`s still :-) an honor to be part of Webster`s Pages and working with your incredible products is the biggest gift.
And I Thank You for your Beautiful mind and creativity that never cease to amaze me. When I hear, read or write the word "BEAUTIFUL" I always think about you and Webster`s :-)
Stay Beautiful and never stop creating Beautiful products!
Hugs ~Gerry~


Thank You Brandin for letting me be a part of the prestigious Webster's Pages design team.

Thank you for the opportunity to celebrate my life with Webster's Pages over the years. I have definitely grown so much here in the team. Your beautiful products are scrapheaven. And you have even inspired me to do digital. For a non pc savvy girl like me, i never thought that could be possible.

Of course, knowing all the lovely girls, and their sweet supports and words of encouragement, best of all friendships from each and every unique you, I can't ask for more.

Webster's Pages will always be close to my heart,for many reasons. And, I thank you Brandin and the fab DT girls for that.

Let's share many more wonderful, celebratory milestones together;) Cheers!



What can I say that hasn't already been said before? It's like I'm having the most wonderful dream and not wanting to wake up!

Webster's Pages is just THE best...all the hardworking staff, the endlessly talented and extremely sweet DT girls, you all rock!

Brandin, thank you so much for making my dream come true xx

And, to the Webster's Pages fans.. thank you for your support too. You make inspireME such a beautiful and friendly community to be part of.

Em x


Thank you all for the wonderful and beautiful projects and the inspiration you brought to Websters Pages in 2011, and for sharing them with me! With your talents the sky is the limit... dream BIG!
Crafty Hugs,

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  • I love what I do... My name is Brandin O'Neill & I am the co-owner & designer of Webster's Pages. We are a family owned company and we all {LOVE} what we do. We are lucky that we can continue to provide creative products to you & we THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to inspire you.



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