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June 10, 2011



Life is supposed to be balanced?!?!? NOW you tell me. LOL! Monthly lunch dates with girlfriends.

Jasmine Ford

I have so much respect for working mom's! I'm a SAHM and have a hard time getting everything done! My indulgence is our Monthly Mom's Night Out group. There are a bunch of us mom's in town (some are working moms, some are stay at home moms) that get together every month, no kids, no husbands, to relax and have some much needed fun! We've done dessert nights at a local restaurant, we've done a Wii night, a shoe party, it's all been fun and a great way to make a great circle of friends who understand you!!

Ashley Nguyen Newell

If you figure out how to balance life, will you let me know?! I have no idea! For me, it requires lots of coffee!


I feel that when life starts to get too hectic that the only way to find some balance is to learn to let things go. Maybe that means the house doesn't get cleaned that week, ot the lawn doesn't get mowed. Or you might need to back off from a social commitment. Then when things calm down a bit it get back on track & life goes on. ;)
Thanks for the chance at some amazing goodies.


Wow, you are really busy. And 5 new collections already! I am so so curious. When are you going to show them to us?;)

When I need to balance my life, I love to check out my fave blogs, create things with Webster's Pages with my little brothers, go out dancing or something with friends, read or watch a movie with my boyfriend. There are many more things that are relaxing, but the main ting is: you have to let go of all the "I have to's" and just enjoy the moment, if you know what I mean.

bethann d

well my life is more balanced now (i guess) that i'm older and my youngest is away at college. so with no kids in the house that removes some pressure.... but my parents are elderly and not in good health, i go over once a week and call daily and do whatever else i can for them. and i now have two cats and a dog, am baby?sitting my granddog for the summer, my DH is recovering from some medical issues so caring for him, recent family deaths, taking care of those things blech... so for me time - is that what is meant by balance?? - i always have a book or two going on, one downstairs, one upstairs plus an audio book, i craft.... cards, scrapbook pages (hey i finished the kids baby books!!! only twenty some years after the fact) . btw, got my warehouse sale box yesterday and am so HAPPY with it. perfect for the beach wedding we attended last Oct and just downloaded the pictures but still haven't printed. so were we talking about balance?

Doris Widder

Breathe. Just stop and breathe. Center. Refocus. Smile and think, life is fantastic and no matter how crazy things are...I wouldn't have it any other way...I am blessed. :-D

Shona Keehn

definately more balanced now that I am older (wiser hehe)....or could it be no kids left at home. I love to balance my life with a mix of many things, work, fun and mostly family.

Rhonda V.

Hmmm.... Life is definietly a balancing act! I think we just try to pick the biggest important thing and roll with it. My go to is usually making a list and then assigning priority to thing and marking it as I go.

Be gentle on yourselves and take a long bath when you can to relax!!!


When I get home from work I go up to my scrappy room and play! Even if it's just for a half an hour, that creative time really calms and re-energizes me!

As my baby heads to college this fall, I will give some advice to all you moms who are running after little ones...enjoy every moment, even if some drive you crazy! Because, as I'm sure you've been told, time goes way too fast. Soon they are out of your hair, and you'll wish they were still there!


FOr me, balance means taking time to do something just for me when life gets a little too hectic. i find that when i start feeling stressed it's because i haven't balanced the must do's with the want to's.

Tanya Phillips

Well, I'd say tackle the most important things first. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do it all. Try to keep a positive attitude. Take everything in stride, and enjoy life! :D

Becky Dunham

i definitely don't do balancing well - just ask my family :) I am a work at home mom so summer time makes my life interesting! My treats for myself are hiding out in my craft room, occasional oil painting retreats, and once i month i play Bunco with 11 of my fabulous friends (have only missed about 5 times in the last 13 years). Would love to win this as my budget is not budging even for this fabulous deal and i LOVE Websters Pages!


Finding balance is an ongoing process for me. I find, however prayer and counting my blessings helps a lot. Also chocolate and a glass of wine never hurts either! :)


Haha @ the octopus comment.

I'm not sure how to balance life. I just take each day as it comes and deal with the problems it produces as best I can. Forward planning would probably be a good start but I am too disorganised for that. Oh and making sure each and every appointment/school event/anything is written down on the kitchen calendar immediately I know about it!

Kate Ware

Ack!! Balance? I'm still searching! But meeting with my girlfriends for coffee once a week (or once a day, depending on my stress level! LOL!) seems to help me unwind!


Me equilibrar...botar a cabeça para pensar enquanto corro. Sim, correr, gastar energia, mudar a respiração, fazer o coração pular, sentir as minhas mudanças internas!!!

Christy Spruiell

Does reading blogs while I'm at work count? :) I have 5 boys so I'm not really sure what balance means! I do enjoy the rare times I get to have lunch with girlfriends and my kindle is overloaded with books I want to read. Thanks!


I suffer from debilitating pain from cerebral aneurysms. I suffer from memory loss as well. I work everyday to overcome the feelings of depression and to work through the pain instead of crawling under the covers and not getting out of bed. One of the ways I do that is by scrapbooking. It helps to keep my my body active and to go through my photo's everyday it keeps my memories close to me and my mind busy. It has been a life saver to me, and doing it online, has opened up my world to friends all over the world!

Natasha Naranjo Aguirre

Balance? What's that? :o) Balance consists of remembering to get everything you need to get done in one day without losing your mind. LOL. I have struggled hard to achieve some sort of balance in my life with work, kids, and scrapping. The one thing that I try to remember is to take a moment each day and just take a deep breath. I try to find that moment and do something for ME and only ME. It's not always easy, but I think that it will help achieve some sort of balance in my life. :o)


I am so happy with my life, I have a magnific family and they're the most important for me.


Not really sure how to balance life. When someone figures it out I hope they tell me. I just kind of take things as they come. My DH is on call 24/7 and works mostly seven days a week; so it's just me and DD. She forever wants my attention and she's only young once so I indulge her and everything else waits. Wish I had an answer Brandin.

Would love a Webster's Box!

Joyce Carlson

Balancing life is hard at times when you are working and trying to meet the kids needs and craft! So when ever I get a chance when the kids are in bed or outside playing or at a friends I will pour myself a nice glass of wine and go in my craft room and craft my stress away even if its just 20 or 30 minutes it really helps me get through the day! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this amazing prize!


I love to take a bath and just read for awhile..with the doors locked so I am not bothered.:) As for balance..still trying to figure that out but I do enjoy my family and all the activity it brings to my life.


I don't think there is balance being busy with kids, husband, work and household chores!!! Do your best and remember to try and enjoy the moments because they do by fast!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

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  • I love what I do... My name is Brandin O'Neill & I am the co-owner & designer of Webster's Pages. We are a family owned company and we all {LOVE} what we do. We are lucky that we can continue to provide creative products to you & we THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to inspire you.



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