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June 30, 2011


Jan Garber

I am still LOL! This picture of your kids reminds of the day my 5 yr old grandson placed a pink boa around his neck in Hobby Lobby and started prancing around. We laughed and then thought, "Should we be encouraging such behavior?" but my goodness, it was funny! Thank goodness, it hasn't become a regular occurance since. So, you're not that crazy, or is it just more wide-spread than I thought? whhaaahahaha!

Doris Widder

Was having a rough night and your pic brought a smile to my face. TY. :-) Your kiddos are ever so cute...gotta love the wild imaginations of the little ones, right? TY for all the hard work you put into making our hobby/craft so much more beautiful. :-D Hope you get some sleep! {hugs}


Oh my gosh thank you so much for the huge belly laugh Brandin. What a great post, your children are just so darn cute xx

I can't wait for the CHA launch. Cheers to you Brandin :)

Anabelle O'Malley

That picture says it all!! They are so cute. Yeah, we can't do it all. Being a working mom is insane - I know. There's nothing harder than handling home AND work responsibilities, but somehow you do both wonderfully. Thanks for everything you do to make WP what it is. Enjoy this special weekend and know that the end IS in sight. ;)

Laura Cox

Oh wow....I am just ROFL.....and what an adorable pic! Thanks for sharing a "little slice of life" with us....yep....us "Wonder Women" can do it all (hey.....time to make your own crown out of that bling....lol)

Lori Stokes Wright

I love to read your family posts!!! How sweet your prince and princess look....


Aww, just look at that picture...so cute, totally cracked me up:) Such creative use of the new bling;) And I can totally imagine how difficult it is to be a working mom. But please remember that no one can be completely perfect and that you can't do everything at the same time. Just be you, a happy mom and a great designer, instead of the wonder woman that no one is:)

Patty O'Malley

How adorable these two are!

Jona Panesa

life is really good. your royalties are so cute! don't worry you are a super mom and you can manage them all!

Rochelle Ansell

Your kids are so cute....looks like something my Prince's would do he he he....so glad you are staying sane....well as much as you can anyway. Looking forward to the new releases. Have a great 4th July.


ROFL!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing

Jeni O'Connor

Brandin that pic is just sooo darn adorable. It's hilarious.

Keep sane and smile. LOL. You'll be able to breathe and relax after CHA.

Pam Weiler

Everyone has said it, your kids are tooo cute!! Hope you had a great 4th of July.

Tara Orr

oh my goodness - I can just picture you totally 'losing' it in the kitchen - seriously - you rock! I just love how you describe your 'day in my life' I can actually picture you in all the events described and have to laugh as well. I can totally relate! (minus the whole running a super fantastic and successful design company and all that.. LOL!)

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  • I love what I do... My name is Brandin O'Neill & I am the co-owner & designer of Webster's Pages. We are a family owned company and we all {LOVE} what we do. We are lucky that we can continue to provide creative products to you & we THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to inspire you.



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